Rs 425 000

SUD / Plaine Magnien
Hier 18:45
  • Type : Break / Monospace
    Marque : Nissan
    Modèle : Autre
    Année : 2021
    Kilométrage : 78000
    Energie (carburant) : Essence
    Boite de vitesses : Automatique
    Cylindrée : 700
  • Description :

    The Nissan Dayz is a hatchback car with a 659 cc 3 cylinder smooth engine. It has a top speed of 140–180 km/h ,has a range of safety features, including ABS, traction control, airbags, a pre collision safety braking system , parking sensors , 360 degree sonars , rear camera , lane assist , street signs reading , speed limit . Very economic 3.4L /100 KM . The Nissan DAYZ car is taller than it is wide, 1.66m versus 1.47m, which means there's loads of head room. This also creates an open, airy sensation inside the car. The back seats are likewise accommodating, even for taller passengers and a sliding seat base provides surprising levels of legroom. While this can translate as an issue for cargo space, there's a huge secret compartment under the floor that can swallow backpacks whole.
Référence de l'annonce : 528546